Smoothwall Firewall project

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Using S3cmd to list the ACL's of all the files in an S3 bucket

In the absence of any replies from the S3cmd forum, I managed to use a command line hack to get the ACL status of all files in a bucket with this:

 I tried parsing the whole bucket with an "astrix" as an option , but that didn't work with version 1.0.1 or 1.0.5 of S3cmd. 

s3cmd -c ~/.s3cfg_uk2 ls s3://test-hubs/ | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/s3\:\/\/test-hubs\///g' | xargs -I file s3cmd -c ~/.s3cfg_uk2 info s3://test-hubs/file 

 This is all on one line - and the xargs option is a capitol "i" and not an "el" as it appears here ;-) If anyone can see how to refactor this to make it more efficient be my guest, but it works.

Or indeed answer my original question with a snappy command line option to s3cmd ;-)

If you want to see if there is "anyone" access to a file you will see "anon" as the ACL setting , so you can search on that if you want to look for globally available files - which is what I wanted to do.